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Parent Service HOurs

Parent Service Log Download 2024-2025 School Year

It is our goal at Our Lady Queen of Peace to provide your children with the finest education possible.  We strive to help them not only in scholastic achievement, but in their spiritual, social, and physical growth as well.  While we have a fine and dedicated staff, parents also provide a vital service to our school. 

In an effort to keep costs down and promote a more even distribution of the parental workload, we utilize a Parent Service Hours Program. In this program, parents will provide hours of service throughout the year from their choice of activities ranging from library helper to serving as a PSA officer.  It should be noted that all four Catholic schools in our area require families to complete service hours.

Service hours are required for families whose children attend Our Lady Queen of Peace Catholic School.  Your dedication in achieving these service hours helps to ensure that the tuition at Our Lady Queen of Peace remains affordable. 

PreK/4 through 8th grade families are required to volunteer at least 20 hours and PreK/3 a minimum of 10 hours between May 1 and April 30 each school year.  You will be responsible for payment of $25.00 per hour that is not served as of April 30th.  The hours are per family which includes grandparents, aunts, uncles and siblings as long as they have attended a Protecting God’s Children Workshop.

There are many opportunities to obtain service hours.  Examples are listed below:

  • PSA Fish Fry (6 Fridays during Lent)
  • Work (concessions or entrance) Sports Tournaments and Events
  • All PSA fundraising events or sales
  • Smorgasbord
  • Attend PSA meeting
  • OLQP Auction
  • Assisting teachers with various projects
  • Working Special Persons Day lunch
  • Mission Carnival
  • Working a class bake sale
  • Working on class projects for a fundraiser
  • Head coach of one of our sports teams (all 20 hours fulfilled)
  • Assistant coach of one of our sports teams - maximum of 1 per sport (all 20 hours fulfilled)
  • Being on the board of any committee (all 20 hours fulfilled)
  • PSA Classroom Representative (20 hours fulfilled)
  • Head chairperson of a PSA approved fundraiser (all 20 hours fulfilled)
  • 1 hour will be given for every $100 sold in a PSA fundraiser
  • Playground duty
  • Share The Word at 10:30AM Mass
  • SCRIP seller after Mass

Some examples of what does not qualify are: lectors, greeters, Eucharist ministers, class parties, rummage sale and field trips. 

Your hours should be recorded on a service hours log sheet you can print from the school website and must be turned in to the school office once completed.  The PSA is in charge of making sure families service hours are met .   If you have questions or you need to find out your hour total, contact Karmin Hall at  314-283-8133.

Student Service HOurs

Student Service Hour Log Download 2024-2025 School Year

Students in grades 4-8th are required to complete yearly service hours. Students in 4th & 5th grade are required to accumulate 10 hours yearly.  Students in grades 6-8th are required to complete 15 service hours yearly. Hours can begin to be earned starting May 1st of each school year and need to be completed by April 30th of the next school year. Example,  for the 2023-2024 school year, service hours can be earned from May 1st, 2023 until April 30th, 2024.  Once logs are completed they can be returned to the school office. 

Examples of student service hour opportunities:

  • Serving at Mass on the weekend
  • KC Chicken Dinners ( 3rd Sunday of every  month)
  • Smorgasbord ( 1st weekend in  December)
  • Fish Fry ( Fridays during Lent)
  • Share the Word ( Sundays at 10:30AM Mass)
  • Help with a food drive
  • Work in the food pantry
  • Independent service projects

Some examples that do not qualify are: class service projects, getting paid for the service.

Limitations to service hour opportunities:

  • You cannot claim more than half of your total hours for any 1 event, even if it covers several days
  • No more than half of your hours can be from those helping family members




Service Hour Opportunities

PSa Service Hours


Santa Kottage Shopping Day


Sports Service Hours



Parish Dinner Auction



Mother/Son Night


Share The Word @ 10:30AM Mass