Click HERE to see all of the scrip we currently have available.
When you purchase SCRIP, you are simply purchasing gift cards! We keep over 30 different cards in stock to purchase at any time. In addition, hundreds more are available to order. The church buys these cards at a small discount, ranging from 1% to 12%. When you purchase, you simply pay the face value of the card. That's it!!
If you need to us place an order for you, click HERE to print out a form. Once you complete the form, you can either return it with your payment to the parish office or to the SCRIP sellers at the back of the church after Mass. QUESTIONS, call (618) 377-6519.
NOTE: To purchase cards on the website or from your mobile device, you will need to set up an account on this website or on the app. Deadline to order to ensure Christmas delivery: December 15th
The enrollment Code for OLQP is: 1D453C2B1859